************************************WEBSITE INVENTORY UPDATED DAILY - CHECK STOCK ONLINE *************************************
Stocky Cerith (Cerithium litteratum) snails range in size from an inch to 2'', they are wider and beefier than the popular Florida Cerith. They Stocky Cerith specimens we carry tend to have a very wide variety of different colorful coralline species on their shells. Otherwise the two species are very similar in behavior and diet. These snails will consume diatoms, detritus, cyano, film and hair algae in the substrate especially and will work on the rocks, and sometimes on the glass in your aquarium. Because of their versatility and hardiness, they are one of our favorite cleaners, and we find them to be excellent cleaners. They are only fair at removing hair algae though. They will not eat through decorative algae or seagrasses.
They take time to "come out of their shells" and move about after placing them in your tank. Please give them at least 72 hours to start moving about. It is abnormal for them to move around right away.
************************************WEBSITE INVENTORY UPDATED DAILY - CHECK STOCK ONLINE *************************************