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Care Level: Cycled Tank
Main Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: Safe
Reef Safe: No
Adult Size: 6.5"
Suggested Tank Size: 120+
A perfect choice for beginner butterflyfish enthusiast, the Threebanded Butterflyfish is an easy going species that gets along well with other reef fish. Striking in its contrasting beauty, it has a deep, thin, somewhat disc-shaped body, with a concave forehead and short snout. The three black vertical body bars, on this fish make it an impressive addition to the aquarium .
A peaceful fish, Threebanded Butterflyfish are most commonly found in pairs or small groups, in rocky areas usual in shallow water. Most active during the day, and sleeping at night, they seek shelter in the evening, as they are highly vulnerable to larger predators. This species of Butterflyfish is not recommended for the reef aquarium.
The Threebanded Butterflyfish is an omnivore, feeding on algae and benthic invertebrates. Supplement their diet with a variety of algae and vitamin enriched meaty preparations.
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