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The Spotted Congo Pufferfish is the smallest species of African pufferfish. T.schoutedeni naturally inhabits clean, fast-flowing waters where it can be found lurking in-between rocks and vegetation. Powerheads with narrow gaps in the grill may be used to create additional flow. We would advise that cages or guards (such as anemone guards) are used on powerheads to prevent injury to the fish if they become trapped. They will nip at plants. Hardy plants like Anubias, Java Fern, Bolbitis and Amazon Sword are good choice. Tank mates must be very carefully considered. Any potential tank mates must be fast-swimming, short-finned and able to thrive in the same water values. Congo tetra is a perfect choice.Minimum aquarium size 20 or morePH: 6.5 - 7.5 (in the middle is ideal) Temp: 26-27.5cN03: below 15ppm *idealNH3/NH4+: 0ppmN02: 0ppmGH: 4-10 dGHSize: Female 7-8cm, Male 9-10cmDiet: snails, insects, worms Females typically have a larger body, especially around the stomach area. Males have a slimmer body than the females with a more pointed face. Do not provoke inflation. Tank bred do not require to be dewormed, as they are parasite free.
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