These colorful little fish (maximum size 3”) prefer soft, slightly acidic water with plenty of cover such as dense plants, driftwood, even rock or some combination of both for them to give them hiding spots when they feel the need as this is part of their natural behavior but they are not like some fish who prefer to stay hidden at all times so don’t worry about that in fact the more comfortable they are the more they will be out and about knowing they are just a dart away from cover. A dark substrate and the addition of floating vegetation also helps bring out their best coloration. They prefer a not to have a lot of water flow or circulation as this is not in their natural habitat which is very slow moving streams, rivers or even pools of the Papua New Guinea rain forest.
• The Peacock Goby can be kept in schools of their own along with other peaceful community type fish like Rasboras, Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf Cichlids (if kept in a larger tank) ect… The Goby is a bit territorial among themselves but it really only amounts to flaring or displaying actions which in turn makes them try to display their brightest coloration and actions that are actually more entertaining to watch. Another great way to keep this species is in a biotope specific aquarium with fellow fish species from New Guinea.
• DIET: They will eat dried foods but prefers small live and frozen meals such as daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms ect…. Plus as with most fish, the addition of clean live foods provides them with the nutrients that will help promote even better color, especially in their spawning phase.
Temperature: 72-79°F (22-26°C)
pH: 6.5-7.5
KH 5-12
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
GH to not exceed 80ppm
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