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Care Level: Cycled Tank
Main Diet: Carnivore
Compatibility: Safe
Reef Safe: Yes
Adult Size: 3"
Suggested Tank Size: 30+
The ideal setup for the Captive-Bred Black Neon Dottyback will be an established saltwater aquarium of at least 30 gallons in size aquascaped liberally with generous amounts of live rock. Create ample crevices and caves for the Captive-Bred Neon Dottyback to explore, claim or seek refuge. Similar to other Dottyback species, it is recommended to house the Captive-Bred Neon Dottyback singly unless the aquarium is very large.
The Black Neon Dottyback should be fed a varied diet consisting of foods specifically designed for carnivores. If kept in a reef aquarium, the Neon Dottyback should be fed once per day.
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