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Mermaid’s Fan is another calcified algae that has a rigid growth structure. This macroalgae species is fairly slow growing and isn’t kept for its ability to lock away nutrients. Rather, it’s expansive, fan-like appearance makes it an ideal display species that’s on par with coral in terms of exotic appeal.
Mermaid’s Fan is unpalatable to vegetarians as well, making it a safe addition to most aquariums containing herbivorous fish. It does best when given a deep sandy substrate to adhere to and will even send runners without laterally as it matures.
These runners eventually give birth to new Mermaid’s Fans that mature over the course of years. This species is a little sensitive to high nitrates and phosphorus and should not be kept in water especially rich in nutrients as competing types of algae will simply grow on top of it, shading it and leading to death.
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