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1. Tank Size: Hairy pufferfish require a tank size of at least 30 gallons for one fish, with additional space needed if keeping multiple individuals.
2. Water Conditions: Maintain a temperature between 75°F and 80°F (24°C - 27°C) and a pH level between 7.5 and 8.5, which replicates their natural habitat. Use a reliable aquarium heater and test kit to monitor and maintain water parameters.
3. Filtration: A strong filtration system is recommended to handle the waste produced by the pufferfish. A canister or hang-on-back filter with a high flow rate and biological media will help maintain water quality.
4. Tank Setup: Provide plenty of hiding spots using rocks, caves, and PVC tubes. Hairy pufferfish enjoy digging, so use sand or fine gravel as the substrate in the tank. Provide some open swimming space as well.
5. Diet: Hairy pufferfish are omnivores and need a varied diet. Offer them a mix of high-quality frozen and live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, chopped clams, and snails. Include some vegetable matter like blanched spinach or algae wafers to supplement their diet.
6. Tankmates: Hairy pufferfish can be aggressive and should be kept alone or with larger, more aggressive fish. Avoid keeping them with small, peaceful species that may become targets for aggression or potential meals.
7. Behavior: Hairy pufferfish are known for their unique appearance and curious nature. They require plenty of mental stimulation, so provide them with toys, puzzles, or floating plants to explore and interact with. They may nip at the fins of slow-moving tankmates, so choose tankmates carefully.
8. Water Changes: Regular water changes of around 25% every week are crucial to maintain good water quality. Hairy pufferfish are sensitive to poor water conditions, so keep up with regular maintenance to ensure their health.
9. Handling: Hairy pufferfish have the ability to inflate themselves with water or air when stressed. Avoid handling them as much as possible to prevent unnecessary stress and potential harm.
It's important to note that Hairy Pufferfish require experienced fishkeepers due to their unique care requirements. Regular observation and monitoring of their behavior and water conditions will help ensure their health and well-being.
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