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A beautifully marked, small growing fish found in warm blackwater pools within the Congo River basin, the Ornate Bushfish or Ornate Ctenopoma is a unique, social species which spends most of its life hunting tiny invertebrates among leaf litter and aquatic vegetation. In the aquarium, they require warm temperatures, soft, acidic water, and will benefit from the addition of tannins from driftwood or other botanicals. Best kept in a species tank or with other small, peaceful fish, Ornate Bushfish will do best in a group and should be provided plenty of small protein-rich frozen foods like small bloodworms, enriched brine, or mysis.
Ornate Bushfish (Microctenopoma ansorgii)
Origin: Wild Central Africa
Locale: Congo Basin
Diet: Omnivore and micropredator. Will accept most small frozen foods in the aquarium
Adult Size: 2″
Recommended Tank Size: 15 gallons
Preferred Water Parameters
pH: 6.5 – 7.2
Temp: 78 – 84F
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: <30ppm
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