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The all-new ESHOPPS Lift™ is an innovative solution for mounting and lifting skimmers for optimum performance. Skimmers are designed to sit within an ideal water depth for maximum sustained skimming, even the slightest fluctuations in water depth can cause skimmers to overflow or stop skimming all together. The ESHOPPS lift™ is designed to compensate for skimmer compartments with fluctuating water levels or water depths which exceed skimmer specifications. The ESHOPPS Lift™ is equipped with three corrosion free nylon screws that can lift skimmers two inches higher. Precision height can be achieved with the use of adjusting screws and leveling bevel. Height adjustments can be done with ease in water with use of Philips screwdriver head or by hand.
Level indicator ensures skimmer is level
Rubberized feet eliminate vibration and movement
10" Diameter with three adjustable legs
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