Care Level: Cycled Tank
Main Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: With Caution
Reef Safe: With Caution
Adult Size: 10"
Suggested Tank Size: 125+
The Singapore Angelfish, also known as the Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus, is a stunning fish that exhibits vibrant vertical striations of blue, white, yellow, or orange on its body and pelvic fin. This species truly lives up to its distinctive name.
Originating from the Maldives and the Red Sea, the Singapore Angelfish boasts a unique feature - a yellow breast. However, its relatives from the Indo-Pacific, Coral Sea, New Caledonia, and Tahiti usually have a blue/gray breast. This variation in coloration becomes more noticeable as the fish matures, especially when they reach a length of at least 4 inches. Juveniles of this species showcase a "False Eye Spot" on their dorsal fins, which tends to fade as they grow older.
When it comes to transportation and adaptation to the home aquarium, Singapore Angelfish sourced from the Red Sea, Maldives, Coral Sea, Fiji, and Tahiti are generally good shippers. These specimens are harvested and handled with care, making them more likely to adapt easily compared to their Indo-Pacific counterparts.
However, it's important to note that the Singapore Angelfish requires slightly more attention and care compared to other angel fish species. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce them to the tank first, allowing them to establish their territory before introducing other fish. A minimum tank size of 125 gallons with adequate hiding spots and live rock for grazing is advisable. While the Singapore Angelfish may nip at large-polyped stony corals, occasional soft corals, and clam mantles, they can coexist with small-polyped stony corals and somewhat noxious soft corals.
To ensure their proper diet, entice your Singapore Angelfish to eat by offering a variety of fresh shrimp and chopped seafood. Additionally, include herbivore preparations that contain Spirulina and marine algae, as well as angelfish-specific foods that incorporate sponges.
Overall, the Singapore Angelfish is an exquisite addition to any aquarium, but it requires a little extra attention to thrive happily and maintain its striking appearance.