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Phyto-Feast is a blend of the most important marine microalgae, those chosen by universities and hatcheries for their superior nutritional value: Pavlova, Isochrysis, Thalassiosira weissflogii, Tetraselmis, Nannochloropsis, and Synechococcus.
Phyto-Feast contains whole and intact biological organisms in a media with benign food grade additives. No phosphates are added.
After decades of research, hatcheries and universities around the world have come to agreement on the best algae for filter feeders. At the top of the list are Isochrysis, Tetraselmis, Pavlova and Nannochloropsis. While each provides certain benefits, none on their own can provide for a complete diet. Brown algae, in particular, are especially critical to your filter feeders because in addition to sterols and pigments they are the only algae that produce the fatty acid DHA (required for complete omega-3 nutrition). Phyto-Feast is the only live algae concentrate that contains 100% of the nutrition needed by your animals - proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and essential fatty acids.
The best process for preserving the nutritional benefits of live algae for long term storage is to place the live microalgal cells in a state of suspended animation (also called quiescence or hibernation). This process reduces the metabolic activity of the live cells to minimal levels, allowing long term storage without the depletion of oxygen or the loss of nutritional value.
All the microalgae that goes into Phyto-Feast are grown at Reed Mariculture and are harvested live and packed and shipped "farm fresh" every week. Once harvested, the algae are induced to become "quiescent". At the time of packaging, 95% or more of the algae are alive. In this quiescent state, metabolic activity and respiration are reduced to minimal levels, preserving the nutritional value of the algae and the integrity of the cell membranes. Since not all of the algae species are equally hardy, after a few weeks some of the more delicate cells will begin to expire. However, due to our quiescence process, the cells lose none of their functional qualities or nutritional value. Many of the cells will remain viable for several months. When properly stored, a bottle of Phyto-Feast will provide the same value after two-plus months that it did on the first day.
Invert and/or shake the bottle a few times before opening it. The larger algae cells such as Tetraselmis tend to settle to the bottom.
If you have not used Phyto-Feast before, start with 1 drop per gallon each day (1 teaspoon per 100 gallons) . Your animals will rapidly become accustomed to the phytoplankton (microalgae) and be able to feed on quite a bit more.
If your animals do not "clear" the water in less than an hour - back off on the amount you are adding because your systems is not fully digesting all the microalgae.
A common dosage for a mature system is 1-5 drops per gallon (1-5 teaspoons per 100 gallons) each day, depending on your tank setup and animal density. Use our feed calculator to determine the number of drops to use daily for your setup.
We recommend turning off your skimmer before adding the algae. Many customers have been successful by putting their skimmer on a vacation timer so it automatically turns back on later in the evening (2 hours is a good window).
Phyto-Feast must be stored in your refrigerator. The best place to store algae is the bottom shelf because that is the coldest place in your refrigerator. The worst place to store it is the refrigerator door which may not be cold enough. Do not store Phyto-Feast in your freezer bcause freezing will break many of the algae cells.
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