Care Level: Cycled Tank
Main Diet: Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore, Specialty
Compatibility: Semi-aggressive
Reef Safe: No
Adult Size: 5"
Suggested Tank Size: 125+
These fish normally eat for the most part, coral polyps, therefore problems can arise in captivity when trying to give it an alternative food.
It is therefore essential to be well prepared before acquiring them and have several suitable food types ready to present them with.
However well prepared, there will be a large percentage, that will die after a short time in captivity.
It may mean having to keep living corals, mussels and zooplankton as food, in order to keep these fish alive whilst they are getting accustomed to alternative types of food.
This species thrives best when there is a sufficiently large amount of micro life (copepods, amphipods or similar) in the aquarium, so that the it can always find their own food.
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