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Apistogramma agassizii is a dwarf cichlid from South America. They are popular due to the wide variety of color patterns that exist in the hobby, including Double Red, Fire Red, and various wild-types. They are polychromatic, meaning that even among a single spawn, you may find individuals that vary in color (such as white versus yellow tails). Males have longer, pointed fins and typically more color. Females will turn bright orange with black fins during breeding dress. A sandy substrate is necessary due to their earth-eating habits. The tank should be furnished with several caves or nooks to protect and spawn in. Cichlid caves, overturned flower pots, and leaf litter work well. Breeding is achieved by feeding live baby brine shrimp to an adult pair and providing a proper tank setup. Fry are guarded by one or both parents for several weeks. Dither fish such as small tetras and livebearers can be used to provide parents with targets to chase. We offer these Apistogramma in attempted pairs. Due to the nature of sneaker males and mimicry in this species, we cannot guarantee you will receive a sexed pair. Scientific Name: Apistogramma agassizii Common Name: Max Size: 2.5" pH: 5.0-8.0 Hardness: Soft Temperature: 70-82° Aggressiveness: Peaceful Region of Origin: South America Captive Bred or Wild: Captive Bred Diet: Small flake or pellet, small frozen or live foods Compatibility: Schooling fish, plecos, small catfish, livebearers, rainbowfish. Tank Mate Options: Cardinal Tetra Super Red Bushynose Pleco Phoenix Tetra
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