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1. Tank Size: A minimum tank size of 10 gallons is recommended for a pair or small group of Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish. Larger tanks can accommodate more fish.
2. Water Conditions: Maintain a temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C - 26°C), and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5, which replicates their natural habitat. Use a reliable aquarium heater and test kit to monitor and maintain water parameters.
3. Filtration: A gentle filtration system is recommended. A sponge filter or a low-flow hang-on-back filter can provide adequate filtration without creating strong water currents.
4. Tank Setup: Provide plenty of hiding spots using plants, driftwood, rocks, and caves. The addition of floating plants can provide shade and cover. These fish appreciate a heavily planted tank with areas of open swimming space.
5. Diet: Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish are carnivorous and will thrive on a diet of live or frozen foods. Offer them a variety of small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, and small insects. They may also accept high-quality flakes or pellets designed for small carnivorous fish.
6. Tankmates: Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish can be aggressive towards their own species, especially males towards each other. It's best to keep them in a species-only setup. If you want to keep them with other fish, choose peaceful, similarly-sized species that can tolerate their slightly aggressive nature.
7. Behavior: Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish are active and enjoy exploring their surroundings. They are jumpers, so be sure to have a tight-fitting lid or cover for the aquarium to prevent escapes.
8. Breeding: Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish are annual killifish, meaning their eggs can go through a dry period to survive. Breeding can be done by providing a separate breeding setup with peat moss or a spawning mop for the fish to lay eggs on. The eggs can be collected and incubated in a moist environment to hatch.
9. Water Changes: Regular water changes of around 20% every week are recommended to maintain good water quality. These fish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions.
Remember to regularly observe and monitor your Turquoise Redtail Notho Killifish for any signs of illness or stress. Adjust their care based on their specific needs and behavior.
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