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Green Bird Wrasse, Brown Bird Wrasse
The Bird wrasse is an unusual looking fish with it’s beaked mouth. Do not underestimate the eating ability of this fish however as this ‘beak’ is designed to bash ornamental shrimp into bite sized bits. As it grows it may also become aggressive toward smaller fishes. Bird wrasses require large open swimming space and will tolerate being kept in a group providing you have one male and however many females. The male of this species is bright green and the females are brown and cream in color.
Wrasses are known to jump from aquariums. Be sure to have some sort of covering with no large open holes that they can escape from. Large specimens are more likely to jump than juveniles. DietFeed a varied diet consisting of large chunks of meaty foods. These foods include krill, raw table shrimp, squid, clam and mussel.
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